
Friday, November 9, 2012

Donating for Hurricane Sandy Relief

I may be going out on a limb here but these are my thoughts on donating for the hurricane relief funds.  Over the many years that disasters have occurred the forefront organization to collect funds has been the Red Cross.  Millions upon millions of dollars have been donated but I have heard first hand from victims of two disasters (Loma Prieta Earthquake & Katrina) that the Red Cross was no where to be seen and not helpful on getting funds to those in need.  Here is one of the many articles about the mismanagement of this organization.  I'm not saying that the people involved don't help at all and I do believe many of the workers have their heart in the right place but the organization is so huge and widespread that the management begins to break down and the funds don't necessarily go where to the area that the donators think it is going.  So consider this before donating.  My two cents.

So where to donate?  I just read an article this morning about how Doctors Without Borders has set up station in New York to get medications and treatment to people who have been without heat. lights, and have no access to help.  Perhaps donating would help them.

Or  "Join Art is ......You, Adorn Me, An Artful Journey, The Artful Gathering and Vivi Magoo Presents as we raise much needed funds for essential personal and household items for those affected by Hurricane Sandy. Donations go directly to Family-to-Family.  Go here to the Art Is You site for more information and links to donating and for an art raffle.

One more website for information and donating is New York mixed media artist Seth Apter's.  He has organized artists to donate items as an auction where the donations will go to the Mayor's Fund to Advance New York City.

I hope you can donate whatever you can to help and have a good feeling that the people in need are being helped.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so very much for this post...and including the charity that I have chosen as one that I feel confident will directly and quickly help those in need.
