Monday, January 5, 2009

Vintage Ephemera

It was cold and rainy all day. The kind of rain that drizzles and the dampness gets in your bones so that you want to stay indoors where it's warm and cozy. I spent most of the day in my studio dyeing fabrics and cutting ribbon lengths. I took images of vintage items I've collected, fabrics and ribbons I've dyed, old bits of lace, old vintage garments, and bits of just plain "this and that". I played with Photoshop and put together these collages. I hope you enjoy viewing these as much as I had creating them. It was like I played with colors all day.


Joanne Huffman said...

Lovely images. I wish I were there to play with the colors and fabrics with you.


Patty said...

These would make lovely note cards, Lorri! Very nice. Happy New Year!

Connie said...

These are YUMMY Lorri! ...and hey- I want to see what you entered for "simply red again"!