The above photo is a partial amount of items that I have indigo dyed over this last week. I have put together some small packets of laces and silk ribbons for sale at my Etsy shop.
There's something about indigo that attracts people. I'm not usually a "blue" person but the magic of the indigo dye process is changing my mind. There is a psychological term used about "Extremely bright, precocious children with an amazing memory and a strong desire to live instinctively" called the "indigo child" taken from the color of their aura. Joni Mitchell has an album named "Turbulent Indigo" and she writes often in her songs about the color blue and has another album titled "Blue". One of my favorite contemporary artists, Nina Bagley, writes often of her love of blue too!
Indigo encompasses a wide range of blue from pale robins egg blue to the deep blue of a brand new pair of Levi's. The indigo vat I use is not completely natural. I use chemicals to reduce the oxygen in the dye bath. The indigo itself I get from Michele Wipplinger's business "earthues" and I highly recommend her products!
This is an interesting site to watch how a natural indigo dye pot is used.

This pile of dyed ribbons are ready to get made into more flower pin adornments. I think they will be fabulous!

I will have more projects to address with all these items in my next posts! Stay tuned!